Storm’s Story


Stormie a.k.a. Cable Boy


This handsome young man is Stormie!!! He was picked up by animal control for having a tie out cable embedded around his entire abdomen!! Tie-out cables can be incredibly dangerous for dogs when they’re not watched closely!! Stormie’s cable not only had gotten wrapped around him but it also had tightened to the point of cutting through his poor little body!!

We don’t know exactly how long he had this cable wrapped around him. What we do know is that he was incredibly lucky. His urinary tract was miraculously totally fine (although he wasn’t able to retract his red rocket for the first week or two). He was thankfully able to potty all along and after some time and meds everything went back to normal. Stormie had been found just in the nick of time! If that cable had stayed embedded for a longer period of time we would have been writing a very different ending to his story!!

It took some strong antibiotics and lots of daily cleaning but his wound did begin to close. The band around his abdomen was shrinking more and more every day. He was determined that his wound was not going to slow him down!!! He was an 8 month old puppy after all and he was more than ready to live his life!!!!

He LOVED to run and play with his foster siblings!!! For how much pain he undoubtedly endured he was still the happiest rambunctious pup ever. He was always up for adventures even if it was an adventurous car ride to the vets office for a recheck :) After weeks of recovering he was ready for the next chapter of his life — to find his forever family!!!! It didn’t take long at all for his mom to find him!! She was looking for an active dog to take hiking and being a former emergency nurse his medical history didn’t faze her in the slightest!!! We are happy to share that he’s now living the good life full of all the adventures he deserves !!!!


Scout’s Story


Bane’s Story