Introducing CASA PAWS!

Cadence is here to teach kids what they need to know about dogs! This is the book that covers the basics of animal welfare, so that today's children grow up to be responsible pet owners tomorrow. Perfect for teachers and for families, Doggie Do's comes complete with discussion questions and answers. Featuring real dogs from animal shelters in Tennessee.

There is so much education to be done about dogs and cats!

We are in the midst of an animal welfare crisis here in Tennessee. Our animal shelters are full. The community cat population is exploding. Homeless dogs are everywhere.

Animal control agencies are inundated with cases of cruelty, neglect and abandonment. If the goal is to proactively improve the culture and attitudes regarding the care of our pets, then educating children is arguably the best long term strategy to effect change. Children are delightfully open-minded and inherently good natured towards animals, yet there is no curriculum in Tennessee that teaches children the fundamentals of animal welfare. We cannot expect children to intuitively know how to properly care for cats and dogs, and they may not have positive role models to guide them.

Education must become a pillar in our efforts to improve animal welfare in the community, and the most receptive learners are often our youngest!

A cursory perusal of children’s literature reveals a lack of books dedicated to animal welfare. This unfortunate void inspired CASA to create an original collection of children’s books that are both enjoyable and purposeful in teaching responsible pet ownership. Topics include the importance of spay/neuter, the consequences of animal overpopulation, and an explanation of the basic needs of animals including adequate food, water, and shelter. Although these books were created for children ages 6-10, the stories are written in a way that will resonate with readers of all ages.

The first book, “Doggie Do’s and Don’ts as Told by Cadence the Dog,” has just been published, and three subsequent books are to be released in 2025. The forthcoming titles are:

  • “Two Frisky Kittens: How to Count High Real Quick,” a fun counting book that shows what happens when cats are left unaltered.

  • “What Do All Dogs Need To Drink,” a whimsical rhyming story that teaches children that dogs need fresh water!

  • “I Like Kibble and So Much More!” light heartedly but accurately discusses proper nutrition for dogs.

Educating children is a crucial strategy to improve how society treats pets, not only in Tennessee, but throughout the United States and beyond. CASA is excited to lead the way by providing this engaging collection of animal welfare books for children with the launch of CASA PAWS (Promoting Animal Welfare Stories). All proceeds of book sales will benefit CASA Transport.


Promoting Animal Welfare Stories

Meet the women behind our first book, “Doggie Do’s and Don’ts as Told by Cadence the Dog”

Behind the Scenes:

Cadence is a very special girl to our CASA family. She was adopted from Williamson County Animal Center by our President, Laura, in August of 2015. Cadence was a little different from the start, with a dimpled tongue and “floppy paws.” As she grew up, her differences became a little more pronounced. After multiple vet visits and trips to specialists, it was determined that Cadence had a degenerative neurological condition. Her future was unknown, but Laura was determined to give her the best life possible for whatever time she was given. Cadence was the queen of the house and a proud toy hoarder and stuffy destroyer. She outlived her reluctant brother Pete, and she was well loved by everyone she met. Several friends suggested that she would make an excellent character in a children’s book, so when Robin started discussing the idea of writing an educational book for kids, Laura pitched the idea of Cadence being the star of the book, and the rest is history! Cadence would be honored to live on in the pages of this book and to share her timeless wisdom with people young and old.