What transport services do you offer?
Our transport services are not for hire. We handle all aspects of transport from animal selection to vetting to transport. If you’re a shelter or rescue looking to bring in a van load of dogs from TN, please contact us for more info at info@casatransport.org
What clinic services do you offer?
Our clinic services are not available to the general public. If you’re a local shelter or rescue and have interest in pricing and scheduling, please contact maily@casatransport.org
How can I get involved?
Volunteers help with our transport and clinic efforts. Transport duties include driving (both in TN and out of state), helping with vetting days, walking dogs, cleaning crates, cleaning or maintaining our 3 vans, and helping with remote data entry.
Clinic duties include prep work, post surgery day cleanup, and hands on work during clinic days like monitoring patients in our recovery room, carrying animals from prep to surgery to recovery, cleaning surgical instruments and doing laundry, administrative duties.
My state needs help transporting dogs too! Can CASA help our dogs?
The need in our area is greater than we have the capacity to help, so we try to focus our efforts locally. We encourage other areas to start their own transport group or collaborate with other local shelters. It just takes one willing person to bring change to your area!
I need to rehome my animal. Can you help?
No, We focus on animals in shelters and we can only take an animal into our custody once we have a transport commitment. We are not a shelter or rescue.
Do I need to use my own vehicle to help transport?
We have 3 transit vans that our volunteers drive on scheduled transports each week. We provide a card for gas on scheduled trips with our vans. There may be a time when we need an animal picked up at the shelter and in that case you can use your own vehicle. We ask for a copy of your drivers license and ask that you follow all traffic laws while using our vans.
How can my business sponsor CASA?
We welcome sponsors of all kinds to help in our mission. Please email brittnie@casatransport to learn more and share your ideas.