Scabies Babies Story


Scabies Babies


The story of the scabies babies is truly a horrific case. It all started with a call to a property in TN that had 30+ neglected dogs on site. They were extremely emaciated and to say they were in very, very poor health doesn’t even begin to describe the state these dogs were in. Not only were they medical disasters, but they also had clearly not spent much time around humans and were terrified of people. The Maury County shelter ended up taking in 29 of these dogs right away.

These poor dogs needed so much help. Not only were they skin and bones, but they also had skin infections, sarcoptic mange and just about every parasite possible. They were painful to look at. Thankfully they were all heartworm negative. Medications to all were promptly started there at the shelter and then from there the networking began.

One of the females surprised everyone by giving birth shortly after arriving at the shelter - she had 2 beautiful little healthy pups!

Getting their pics and info out was the first step. Once our partnering rescues agreed to help, these poor dogs were then transported to their receiving rescues.

These dogs needed so much TLC. Once they were placed in rescue they continued their medications but also started receiving medicated baths. Lots and lots of baths! Don't forget these were dogs that were terrified of humans and certainly had never received baths before in their lives!!! Baths were a super fun time for everyone involved!

In time, eventually all of their parasites were successfully flushed from their systems and they began to gain weight. Their skin healed and they began to grow their beautiful coats back as well. What took the longest to heal was their broken spirits. They simply did not know how to trust and connect with humans. Their foster homes had to really be patient and think outside the box on ways to help them advance socially. It took time, a lot of time, but they did eventually start to come around. After a few months they were all successfully adopted into patient and loving homes that they are now thriving in!!


Bane’s Story


Obie's Story