Meet the Angels

The Angels share a passion to try to save the animals that need the most help. The ones that are often physically impaired or behaviorally challenged. Their desire to save the ones most in need started their friendship and they decided together they could accomplish more!


Laura Prechel

Laura started this transport journey in the fall of 2016 with a passion to save the dogs in Maury County, TN. She has since expanded her reach to include 32 other counties in Middle and West TN and beyond and has transported over 13,500 animals thus far. She continues to strive towards a day where all companion animals will have a loving home.


Ashley Anderson

Ashley has been saving animals in need for over 12 years as a key board member of C.A.R.E. in southern IN. Ashley is a highly committed and generous soul that is always willing to go the extra mile. Her foster Obie, pictured above, bears evidence to that as he came into the Maury County shelter with three broken legs and Ashley didn’t hesitate to say “Yes!” to saving him.

Maily Tran

Maily began volunteering at the Maury County shelter in 2019. She quickly stepped into the role of volunteer coordinator and transport coordinator for the shelter. She also became a regular volunteer on weekly flight transports. Maily does a stellar job managing the CASA Clinic, which has altered over 1,500 animals in the first 17 months of operation, and her organization skills are second to none! She is the source of all the pink you see at CASA!